Midwest Momentum
Stories from the Midwest Start-Up community.
Midwest Momentum
AI Innovation and Empowerment: From Counterintelligence to Pioneering Breakthroughs at Nable
AI visionary John Petty joins Michelle Gatchell to share his extraordinary journey from the world of security and counterintelligence to spearheading innovative AI solutions with his company, Nable. Discover how John's unique background paved the way for breakthroughs in AI, particularly in the banking sector. John shares how his security background led to the founding of Nable, a company focused on harnessing AI to bridge the knowledge gap in various industries. He discusses the rapid evolution of AI applications, the importance of educating potential users, and the ethical considerations surrounding technological advancements.
- There’s a significant knowledge gap in AI understanding among businesses
- Nable engages with a diverse range of industries, including education, marketing, and finance.
- The company focuses on creating AI that accurately reflects human emotions
- Enterprise-level security is foundational for Nable’s operations
- Future trends include enhanced accuracy in automation and ethical AI considerations
- There's an ongoing conversation about regulations and user privacy in AI
Nable reminds listeners to check their AI knowledge and explore its vast possibilities.